The EZ-Advisors Difference

  • Specialty Focus on ERC – Our team of CPAs, lawyers, and payroll specialists combine their expertise to provide a uniquely holistic ERC service offering that ensures technical soundness that cannot be matched by traditional income tax CPAs.
  • Maximize Your Credit – We use our EZ-Advisors PPP-ERC Planning Technique to maximize your ERC over the PPP Covered Period.
  • Prioritize Liquidity – Through our EZ-Advisors Advance Program, ERC liquidity strategies, and lightning-fast turnaround time, we focus on ensuring that your business can access the ERC funding as soon as possible.

The EZ-Advisors Team recognizes you have a choice in selecting an advisor to assist you with calculating, documenting, and claiming and your ERC. We are confident our carefully assembled team of CPAs, lawyers, and payroll specialists can efficiently and effectively help you maximize your ERC claim, while further assisting you in monetizing the credit as quickly as possible. Here’s why we’re different:

  1. Specialty Focus on ERC: We’ve found that the current CPA or advisor for 9 out of 10 of our clients have either not brought the ERC to their attention or have incorrectly concluded that they were not eligible for the ERC. But don’t hold it against them! The ERC has been developed through legislation under three complex stimulus packages released in March 2020, December 2020, and March 2021, and has been met with confusing IRS guidance spread across hundreds of pages of FAQs. It’s nearly impossible for your current CPA to stay on top of all of these changes. Also, remember that most CPAs tend to focus on income tax matters, leaving payroll-related issues to the payroll providers. Not surprisingly, payroll tax providers are abstaining from providing any meaningful technical assistance with the ERC (read below). EZ-Advisors team has a specific focus on the ERC and have spent months developing their technical expertise in this rapidly evolving specialty area, so you and your CPA don’t have to!
  2. Maximize Your Credit: The EZ-Advisors team has spent many long days and nights developing a specialized model that works to maximize your ERC within the PPP-covered period. Through our EZ-Advisors PPP-ERC Planning Technique, we analyze the PPP-ERC interaction at the employee level to ensure the maximum ERC benefit can be taken, while preserving the employer’s ability to claim full PPP forgiveness (where applicable). We’ve seen other advisors take simplified, macro-approaches that either wholly exclude wages in the covered period or compute the wages that are deemed out of the ERC eligible period on an aggregate basis. Both approaches can result in a significantly lower ERC than is allowable under law. EZ-Advisors is so confident that they can maximize your credit, they offer a no-cost “second look” for any ERC calculations that have been proposed by you or your current CPA.
  3. Prioritize Liquidity: We recognize that small and medium business owners have elevated their focus on liquidity during the pandemic. EZ-Advisors understands small and medium businesses because many of the folks on our team and advisory board are also small and medium-sized business owners. We assist our clients with several strategies to more rapidly monetize your ERC including (1) assisting with a secured advance of up to 80% of your ERC within one week of filing the relevant tax returns, (2) advising on monetizing the credits over current payroll cycles (by forgoing both employer and employee federal income tax withholding), and (3) prioritizing the ERC on tax returns that are yielding faster processing times (e.g., Form 7200 and original, e-filed 941s). EZ-Advisors is the only ERC specialty firm that puts liquidity at the forefront of our service offering. Because we are a specialty ERC advisory boutique, we are also able to turn around your ERC package in lightning-fast turnaround time. Don't wait for your current CPA to educate themselves amongst the backlog of other work they are handling for you!
  4. If your current CPA is not the right fit for ERC service, then why not use your low-cost payroll provider?

    Because of the technical nature of the ERC, most (if not all) payroll providers are not providing ERC support services. They recognize this is a highly specialized area that is best left with qualified advisors. Here are some of the comments made by the top payroll providers with respect to the ERC:

    • ADP: “Employers should consult with appropriate legal and tax advisors to determine whether the organization is eligible for the ERC, noting the different rules that apply for 2020 and 2021.”
    • Paychex: “If employers have questions or need more information, they should work with their accountant and payroll specialist.”
    • Gusto: “Since rules and regulations change over time and can vary by location, consult a lawyer or HR expert for specific guidance.”
    • QuickBooks/Intuit: “If you have any questions about the CARES Act, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, or deferring the employer portion of social security, please talk with your accountant or accounting professional.”
    • What if I get audited?

      The EZ-Advisors Support Package will stand on its feet as an audit-ready support file, along with a 10+ page report that explains why and how your particular business is eligible. While we believe our data file and eligibility report will be more than sufficient to withstand any IRS scrutiny, we have several experienced CPAs and lawyers on our staff, along with a former 15-year payroll specialist from ADP to support you. We are more than well-equipped to assist in the rare event that the IRS contests your credit and will be available to help in the future if it comes to that.

      Why should we trust you?

      The EZ-Advisors team is led by credentialed, industry experts and is backed by corporate partners that believe in the quality of expertise and service being offered through this platform. We would be happy to arrange client referrals or initiate any discussion with our technical board or corporate partners. While we believe strongly in the quality and technical soundness of our product, EZ-Advisors fees are fully refundable up to the amount of any IRS adjustments that are not attributable to a client’s source data or representations. We also offer flexible invoicing plans, which include several options that ensure that we don’t get paid until you get paid.